Computing and Programming

In the early 1980s Michael Crichton expressed his views and concerns about computing and programming in contributions and interviews to magazines like Creative Computing and Compute!. At this time he was creating a computer game and writing extensively about this both fiction and non-fiction

In 1983 he had published a non-fiction book called Electronic Life.

It is interesting that his views included considering the programming of computers and artificial intelligence as part and parcel of human evolution, an idea fully developed later by many authors like the Wachowski Brothers in The Matrix (1999) and its sequels. Movies like Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982) and Michael Crichton's own "Runaway" (1984) could be considered the first steps in this direction.

In 1984 Michael Crichton looked into new ways to tell stories. Computer games were en emerging medium, and he ventured into this with an adaptation of his novel Congo into a computer game which he had to rename and relocate to the Amazon, due to copyright issues. See the full story in 

As is also mentioned in the article above, he had another go in 1999 with his game adaptation of his novel Timeline


Jasper Johns - more than just a catalog

First published in 1977 and with a second revised and expaned edition in 1994, this is Michael Crichton's incursion into the world of art, but, as he explained, not providing art interpretation but information about the artist and the background of his works. He'd leave the interpreation to the audience...

        1977 and 1994 editions of Michael Crichton's Jasper Johns

In 2010, works from Michael Crichton's collection of Jasper Johns's art were auctioned at Christie's in New York. A beautiful catalog and a documentary were published for the event.